Monday, August 29, 2011

20110828 :: "Profiles In Faith: Andrew: The Outreaching Disciple"

Dr. Jim Cecy speaking on "Andrew: The Outreaching Disciple" [Audio]

20110828 :: "Profiles In Faith: Andrew: The Outreaching Disciple"

Dr. Jim Cecy speaking on "Andrew: The Outreaching Disciple" [Sermon Notes]

Monday, August 22, 2011

20110821 :: The Seven Marks of a Healthy Church

Campus Bible Church Elders speaking on The Seven Marks of a Healthy Church [Audio]

Monday, August 15, 2011

20110814 :: "Profiles In Faith: David: The Repentant King"

Dr. Jim Cecy speaking on "David: The Repentant King" [Audio]

20110814 :: "Profiles In Faith: David: The Repentant King"

Dr. Jim Cecy speaking on "David: The Repentant King" [Sermon Notes]

Monday, August 8, 2011

20110807 :: "Profiles In Faith: Hannah: Lessons from a Godly Woman"

Dr. Jim Cecy speaking on "Hannah: Lessons from a Godly Woman" [Audio]

20110807 :: "Profiles In Faith: Hannah: Lessons from a Godly Woman"

Dr. Jim Cecy speaking on "Hannah: Lessons from a Godly Woman" [Sermon Notes]

Monday, August 1, 2011

20110731 :: "Profiles In Faith: Seeing God: The Life of Samuel"

Sam Musgrave speaking on "Seeing God: The Life of Samuel" [Audio]

20110731 :: "Profiles In Faith: Seeing God: The Life of Samuel"

Sam Musgrave speaking on "Seeing God: The Life of Samuel" [Sermon Notes]